It's almost Monday morning,
time to go "back to the grind"...
But wait...There's excitement in my soul...
I can't wait to get up and tackle "the Adventures of a Web Evangelist".
Last week I attended Internet evangelism conferences sponsored by the Internet Coalition (Billy Graham Center) and I got to meet people like John Edmiston and Allan Beeber . A guy named Terry Mattingly taught on Christian Blogging .
Walt Wilson shared stories of real people. How God used the awesome technology of the Internet to get the
GOOD NEWS to precious individuals like you and me, who had deep hurts and a hungering to know if there really was a God who cares.
Today I had the privilege of preaching at the South Suburban Chinese Church (With the help of a translator - just like Billy Graham, just minus about 50,000 people) on Romans 10:1-15. By God's grace and mercy, I can say with Paul, that my heart's desire and passion is to share the good news of the love of God!
MondayBlog * MondayBlog * MondayBlog * MondayBlog * MondayBlogFor now I'll blog every Monday (or Sunday Night) and more often as God guides. I need daily prayer and daily I need wisdom and counsel as I make important decisions, so maybe it will be more often if there are people willing to give me advice and share their thoughts.
My first blog I just decided I should put one up because it is important for me to learn about blogging. I had no idea that people would be reading it before I had a website up and before I told anyone about it.
Thank You! for the encouraging words. You inspired me, and I deeply appreciate it. If there is anything you'd like me to be praying about or if I can help in any way, just let me know. Frank I think you got things going. You have an awesome site with awesome ideas and resources: Somehow Brian from the UK heard about my blog and sent me some very helpful resources. Thank you Brian. He has a great ministry, especially to new believers. His site is: .NEXT WEEK:1) I will share highlights of the two awesome Internet Conferences.2) I will list some of my Internet Evangelism ideas. I could really use some feedback: Preparing for this moment I have already bought a bazillion domains (No, I'm not manic-depressive, at least I hope not). My poor wife has rightlfully been a little dismayed when I would purchase a domain when we're not close to getting a full salary...God bless her...I feel like God has a plan and will honor a little sacrifice. Anyway I can't attack in all directions, I need to, ideas, and counsel would be helpful.May God Bless you in a mighty and powerful way. And be ready with a smile or a kind word for that person that God will put across your path today who needs HIS love.
your friendly Web Evangelist