Hundreds of millions of lost souls outside of the United States search the Internet on a daily basis. Proclaiming the GOOD NEWS to them is a vital part of Reconciliation Resource Ministries' Web Evangelism Strategy.
When our core organizing site ( goes live in April of 2006, we will be developing communities of Christians with common desires to reach out to particular groups. The development of quality "Bridge sites" will be central to our efforts. We must penetrate this lost world and interact with those who don't know God.
We can not expect those who do not know God to attend church just because they drive down the street and see a pretty church sign. No, we go to them. We must stretch our comfort zone and be willing to invest TIME in the great cause of sharing God's love to this world. By finding ways to connect with the lost in meaningful ways, we are then able to demonstrate and proclaim the love of God.
We will not only have sites designed for those who are already actively seeking for spiritual answers, but we will also be developing sites that will allow us into their world ("Bridge Sites"). Most people without God will not be surfing through the various church ministry sites on the Web. We have strategies to go to them where they are. Actually in web terms they come to us because we are what they are searching for. Then we have awesome opportunities to share our faith:
a woman SEARCHING for water came to a well. Christ used that opportunity and that need to share that her greatest thirst was for God. As the Messiah He alone could fill her thirsting soul. The disciples marveled at this sight. They had just obliviously entered a village filled with those who didn't know the GOOD NEWS. Christ charged them to: Lift up their eyes and see the fields ready for a great harvest. We need our eyes opened! Multitudes are ready for harvest! The workers are few. Will you help?
One aspect of this will be forming communities of believers to work together to reach out to a particular people group, nation, or language.
One exciting development that we need immediate financial help with is working with Christians who are already immersed in these cultures. This is especially true in third world countries where a full time missionary can be supported for 2 to 3 dollars a day.
We are already in contact with some potential missionaries and would like your prayers. The basic plan is as follows:
1) RRM is endeavoring to raise designated funds for this project. Out target is to raise $100 per third world missionary. You may support any portion of this amount. I am encouraging the urban churches we resource to start a mission budget of at least $5 a week to help with this cause. Those involved with this project will be able to communicate directly with the missionaries that they are helping.
2) The monthly financial breakdown will be as follows: $80 directly to the missionary family, $10 to the mission organization or church we are partnering with to help oversee the missionaries endeavors, and $10 to go towards the expenses of accessing an Internet Connection, software, and the promotion of the websites we develop. Of course we would really appreciate if if you also included a donation to our general fund to help us with all our other endeavors.
3) The missionaries we support will spend a portion of their work week helping us develop and maintain Internet Ministry websites. They know the culture best and will be very valuable in our efforts of bringing the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. We will be developing three basic types of websites: evangelistic, discipleship/training, and bridge sites such as Free English Lessons, job training, games, etc.
4) We will be working mostly with small but already established mission boards for three reasons:
This will also help strengthen their wonderful mission endeavors. The extra $10 a month can have a real impact in foreign lands. Also, in most cases, the missionaries we support will spend the bulk of their time in church planting, evangelism etc. For most we are only asking for one full day a week and a couple hours daily. The bulk of their time will be used working with the mission agencies or churches they are already involved with.
Please pray and drop me an email if the Lord is leading you to help with this endeavor.
Scott Reese