Saturday, September 14, 2013

SEO, Search Engine Optimization - "LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE" - How to increase web exposure for your ministry


Tomorrow I am preaching on Matthew 5:16 "Let your light (so) shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven."  How does this apply to Web Evangelism or Christian Internet Ministry?

You may have a wonderful ministry or message but if no one knows about it, your influence is limited.
We can make decisions and put a plan in place to increase our exposure of our ministry or message for the glory of God!


1) Review and implement the basics of Search Engine Optimization

A great place to start is Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide found HERE

This covers the SEO basics in a concise way so I will not repeat all the basics here but please do download the guide and apply it. This is the most important of my seven steps for Christian SEO. You can also do a simple Google search and find hundreds of helpful articles. I also suggest going to YOUTUBE and subscribe to Google Webmasters video subscription and also search their videos - I find the visual format easier to learn from.

2) Stay current in the constantly changing world of Internet

I suggest that you subscribe to's email list. I don't know them personally but I have followed them for years and believe they are an outstanding resource.  Below is a video by Kurt Steinbrueck, Director of marketing services with OurChurch.Com with a Seo update.

May SEO Update: Google Makes Big Changes!

3) Focus on your niche as you plan and update your pages. 

Instead of trying to be the number one Christian Website in the world, focus on your niche. Keep it narrow. Consider what search terms will people use and include them on your website.  Use Google's keyword planner and also include other pertinent search terms on your website. Don't forget to include your locality if this is important for you. As an example a church or a local ministry needs to show up in local searches such as "Church + city" or "Type of Ministry + city". It is more important to be found by those looking for your services in your particular location so list your city several times. I.E. people will search "Baptist Church" + Chicago as opposed to just "Baptist Church".

4) Get help but make sure they are not cheating! 

Many services will offer SEO help or guarantee page views but it is important that they do this through legitimate means. Google will penalize a website that takes shortcuts to get artificial links or artificial page views. Google has also increased their ability to figure this out. If you don't have technical knowledge it is worth the investment to get some help.

5) Make sure you add Social Media features to your website. 

Make it easy for people to share on Facebook etc.  Also keep the material on your website fresh - if it stays the same there is no reason for people to come back. The easiest way to do this is to include a Ministry Blog. You can assign different people to write articles or to give updates. It is also now fairly easy to include videos without a lot of technical knowledge. Remember a quality video can usually better connect to the heart of an individual than just words...

6) Consider advertising. 

Google Ads are a great way to get the word out to your targeted audience.


I have been very blessed to achieve high search engine rankings in spite of the fact that I have two glaring weaknesses that are very important to search engines. I do not have a massive amount of traffic and I also have not been updating my websites as often as I should. In spite of this, if you do a web search for the following terms you will see that I am at the top of the results that include millions of websites: "Internet Ministry", "Christian Internet Ministry", "Web Evangelism", etc.  also "Internet minister" and "web evangelist".

I have been an urban missionary for over thirty years. I have long thought that the Internet is an exciting vehicle with awesome potential to empower Christians to share their faith and also a powerful way to share the GOOD NEWS! I feel the Lord has given me some good ideas, experience, gifts, and skills to eventually have a powerful web ministry for the kingdom. In order for this to happen, the Lord will have to provide funding for me and these endeavors. The Lord has not done this yet so I don't believe I should try to force things but wait on his timing.  In the mean time, while I am waiting for the Lord to provide, I am using wisdom to prepare for that time. I figured when I am ready and have the volunteers or staff in place to recruit volunteers I would want a high ranking when someone searches "Internet Ministry", "Christian Internet Ministry", or "Web Evangelism". I also know that in the future I would want to be known as a "Web Evangelist" or an "Internet Minister". (This does not necessarily mean I would leave urban ministry but that I would be adding Internet Ministry to our ministry endeavors. Currently I am able to invest very little time in this and would appreciate your prayers for this to change, if it is HIS Will).

Anyway, I set up some websites with these specific goals in mind. One thing that I figured, even though I don't think I read it anywhere, is that the search engines are probably not playing entirely fair, but probably favor their own company in the search engine results. So I decided to use Yahoo as my hosting company (knowing that Yahoo would notice my site in their search engine results) and then I started this blog on Blogger (a Google company, knowing that Google would probably favor their site) I then cross promoted these two sites and was blessed with very high ranking websites.

I paid particular attention to the back side of my website. Naming the pages, files, and pictures names that pertained to my desired niches. This also included the alt tags with descriptive information on my niches. I also secured these particular terms on major websites: ie my youtube channel is internetminister. My email on google is: webevangelist, on microsoft (hotmail) it is internetminister. On facebook, my page is internetminister etc. and then cross promote (I provide my own high quality cross links). Often when I write an article or a webpage I do it with SEO in mind even though some concepts might be repeated in different ways...  Now sites like, (terribly outdated),, and Christ Cares' Internet Ministry page  all have very high search engine results in Internet Ministry results.

A PRACTICAL STEP I PLAN ON TAKING, rethinking my above thoughts and also reinforced by's Blog as well as by a wonderful seminar by Tony Chen of that I attended earlier this week is to USE GOOGLE CIRCLES because it is having increasing influence on Google's search engine's results.

Anyway, I hope this is a help, drop me a line if it is...

Now, pause, & pray for wisdom and then invest some time in making changes on your website so you can better share the GOOD NEWS!

Best Wishes,

Web Evangelist and Internet Minister Scott Reese

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Web Evangelist Report from Moody Bible Institute's 125th Anniversary Celebration

On Saturday, October 1, 2011 I had the privilege of attending Moody Bible Institute's 125th Anniversary Celebration.

This event not only celebrated Moody's rich spiritual heritage, but Moody's President, J. Paul Niquist, also took a strategic look to the future. Rev. Nyquist identified FOUR MEGA TRENDS THAT DEFINE OUR RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD.

The first trend mentioned was GLOBALIZATION.

  • "The world is flat & increasingly interconnected through a wireless mobile web."
  • One fourth of the world's population is online - 1.7 Billion People!
  • Two thirds of the 4 billion mobile phone contracts are in the emerging world. - if half of these soon become web enabled, it would add another 1 billion people to the web.
Other trends mentioned were URBANIZATION and SECULARIZATION. The world is flocking to cities -soon there will be 33 mega cities with a population of over 10 million. The fastest growing "religious" group in America are those who have no religious beliefs.

I was thrilled to hear a respected Evangelical leader list the world's growing Internet population as the first consideration for strategic future ministry. Not that long ago it seemed like few leaders had this foresight. 

As Christian Leaders and Pastors begin to see the awesome potential of  Web Evangelism  and Christian Internet Ministry   I hope they will be willing to invest financial resources into Internet Ministry endeavors. 

The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Let's pray that the Lord of the harvest will send laborers into His harvest field. The harvest field is unimaginably  large and I believe there is great potential to recruit laypeople who would be willing to share their faith online if they were instructed and empowered on how to do it. 

A strategic missing piece of the puzzle are Web Evangelists and Internet Ministers to invest their time and talent tackling this problem. Too often the large churches and Christian non profits have the expansion of their ministry as the priority of their web endeavors. Important goals of Web Evangelism should be 1) sharing the GOOD NEWS of the gospel to the lost, 2) mobilizing & inspiring the multitude of Christians who spend many hours a day on Facebook to reach out in love to the world. Please see ( a ministry of for more information or to make a financial donation.

I believe a third strategic goal for Internet Ministry is to encourage other believers - praying for them and collaborating on ministry projects see for more info.

Rev. Nyquist also shared that there is tremendous growth in the Christian Church around the world. In 1917 there was only an estimated 11,000 (evangelical) Christians in all of South America, now there is 90 million! Africa now has 182 million Christians and Kenya has a 45% Evangelical Christian population. There is great revival in Korea and China now has 125 million Christians. With the possible exception of the Chinese, there are ways that the American Church can reach out in love and encouragement through the Internet to these fellow Christians. I believe the Lord has given me vision and ideas how this could be done to some degree. At this point I am praying and asking God to provide the funding if he wants me to invest more time into Internet Ministry. I'd appreciate your prayer and comments - Web Evangelist Scott Reese - 

Monday, September 07, 2009

How to avoid Internet temptation

A Fox News Article:
Christian Couples Staying Faithful on Facebook, Twitter 
- Science News | Science
(How to avoid the temptations of the Internet)
Christian Couples Staying Faithful on Facebook, Twitter - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -

(Posted using ShareThis)
The above article is about Christian couples sharing the same email address as a way of avoiding some of the temptations of the Internet.
I have two other suggestions:
1. Use a picture that also includes your spouce on your profile pages of your social networking communities like Facebook, MySpace etc. This makes an instant statement and impression.
2. There is also a FREE SOLUTION to greatly reduce Internet temptation.
It is not a web filtering program... the problem with filtering programs is daddy has the password!
There is a simple accountability software program that you can download at
After downloading, you select an accountability partner and submit their email address. Then once a week your accountability partner will get an email report of any potentially problem websites that you visited. If you choose to shut off the accountability software, then your accountability partner gets an email saying that you turned off the program.
For your protection, I suggest the use an alias while using this program - then the weekly report will not have your name attached to it. Your accountability partner will know who it is and that is the only purpose of the program.
Obviously your accountability partner should be someone who is spiritually mature. It is also important to observe if they talk or gossip about other people. If someone is a gossip, it is a spiritual problem and you should not be surprised when they talk about you - it is part of their fleshly nature... they do not understand the Spirit filled life. For some reason we foolishly think we will be an exception.
David was a man of great passion for God. However while alone on a rooftop he saw Bathsheba and you know the rest of the story...
Guys, put yourslef in David's place... on a rooftop and knowing that with a simple turning of the head, you could view Bathsheba, an incredibly beautiful woman... etc. Now imagine if your strong Christian friends were on the rooftop with you... it would be much easier to make the immediate proper choice - flee temptation ( a la Josepth) Don't ponder or play with temptation.
Today Bathsheba is only a 1 second click away. It would be wise to reduce temptation whether you are living victoriously or struggling. In a moment of strength, or even during a moment of guilt, go ahead, place a phone call, and ask a trusted Christian friend if he'd like to help keep you accountable...

In a spirit of humility let us pray for each other and encourage each other. Let us not just pray for victory but let us be willing to avoid the way of temptation.
Proverbs 22:3

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

I Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.

And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.

But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Guys, Ladies, there is a way to escape temptation, are you willing to take it?
Web Evangelist Scott Reese

Web Evangelist Scott Reese Prayer Request 9/6/09

Please pray that God will give me wisdom to share the need and awesome opportunities of Web Evangelism and Internet Ministry.

I am also looking for Christians who would be interested in funding or volunteering with a Christian Facebook type of site.

"Community with Purpose" - no suggestive ads and with a goal of fostering communication and collaberation in the Body of Christ.

See for more information.

May the Lord bless you richly,

Web Evangelist, Scott Reese

Friday, May 15, 2009

Web Evangelist Prayer Request - MORE WORKERS IN THE FIELD!

See for more information and videos of Christian Testimonies of lives touched by the gospel. BODY OF CHRIST CARES promotes volunteerism not only for Christian Internet Ministry but also traditional missionary endeavors.

There is a lost world that GOD SO LOVES that needs to hear the GOOD NEWS of John 3:16.

As we consider this, it is our prayer that we will follow Christ's example of compassion. One of my favorite passages is Matthew 9:36 - 38 when Christ viewed Jerusalem:

"But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Across America and around the world, there are multitudes who are weary, without direction, yet open to the gospel. They need to know that GOD CARES.

We believe that the world will know that God cares when it sees that the BODY OF CHRIST CARES.

Across America and around the world there are many wonderful & dedicated churches, organizations, missionaries, and Christian individuals that are endeavoring to make a difference. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few - they are in great need of help.

There are unprecedented mission opportunities now to get the gospel out to this world of over six billion! We must pray that the Lord will send more workers into this ripe harvest field!


We must not just fill our lives with the leisure and luxury of America during this time of reaping. Every individual in the BODY OF CHRIST is important and is crafted by God for unique ministry (Eph. 2:10).

We believe that there is now a great move of God, a revival that is bigger than any individual or organization. We believe that there is a multitude of Christians that are tired of playing church and want to be involved in practical ministry - making a difference in someones life.

There is an inner restlessness. Christians were created to serve (to love God and others). When one is not actively involved in sharing one's faith (through word or deed) there is an inner restlessness.

Imagine a beautiful Thoroughbred Horse inside a brand new barn filled with all the "horse comforts" possible: plenty of hay, water, and food. Imagine though what would happen if the barn doors were locked closed and were never opened. Even though the horse had a comfortable atmosphere, it would become restless because the Thoroughbred horse was created to run. Christians who are not involved in ministry are in the same situation - because we were created to serve. Although it does not make sense to our fleshly mind, it is more blessed to give than receive!


Christ Cares is a Christian Organization that promotes reconciliation and collaboration in the BODY OF CHRIST.

CHRIST CARES seeks to encourage Christian lay people to become involved in ministry and provides practical Christian volunteer opportunities. Body of Christ Cares seeks to expand it's vision and out reach to other cities- please contact me if you'd like to help or if you think we can be of service to you-


CHRIST CARES seeks to empower ministries - if your ministry needs volunteers, let us know so we can help spread the word:
Web Evangelist Scott Reese


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Web Evangelist update - New Internet Ministry opportunities for missions

The Internet is fast becoming more accessible to the world's poorest 3 billion.

This presents many obvious opportunities for missions.

Also, many people wish they could go back in time to develop key social networking, local activities and informational websites. Being first to set something in place gives you a key advantage. Christians now have a wonderful opportunity to develop key bridgesites (see in the emerging markets of Africa, Asia, and South America. Visit to donate, collaborate, or to get ideas for Web Evangelism and Internet Ministry.

Please view CNN's video report on the O3B Initiative:

Contact Web Evangelist and Internet Minister Scott Reese at

Another helpful Christian website with information on a soon to be developed Christian Social Network and along with a witnessing bridgesite social networking site can be found: HERE

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why support a Web Evangelist?

Why support a Web Evangelist? Lesson 1

From: InternetMinister, 5 hours ago

A preview of

Lesson 1. Why Christian Internet Ministry is important. By Internet Minister Scott Reese. Web Evangelism presentation.

SlideShare Link
Firefox & Safari browesers - Please view in Internet Explorer if you don't hear the sound files.

A tax deductible monthly donation of only $5 a month can make a difference and empower Reconciliation Resource Ministries (, a Christian 501c3 non profit organization, to develop its Web Evangelism endeavors. is a division of RRM a 501c3 non profit organization

Please see, for more information.

Search terms to help people find this Web Evangelism Blog by Web Evangelist Scott Reese: web evangelist, web ministry, web evangelism, internet evangelism, Internet Ministry, Christian Internet Ministry, Online Ministry, Scott Reese, Christian blogging, missions, internet minister, Internet missionary.