New opportunities, strategies, and technologies of sharing the "timeless" GOOD NEWS to the uttermost parts of the world. A career Urban Missionary catches the vision and potential of adding Internet Evangelism to his missionary endeavors. Blazing this exciting new path cannot be done alone...Come along for the adventure of your life...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Christian Fund Raising
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Bridge sites - internet evangelism

Consider the facts...
- The World-Wide-Web has grown to an astounding 1 billion users!
- Most of these 1 billion users are seeking for spiritual answers yet have not had a clear presentation of the GOOD NEWS - in spite of our weakness, faliures, and sin, God still loves us and has provided a way of salvation.
- There are millions of "Christian" websites, yet the vast majority are designed for those who ARE Christians.
- How do we get the gospel to these millions?
- 1) Design websites for those who are seeking spiritual answers (see .
- 2) Create bridge sites to provide opportunities to build relationships with the "lost" and to share the GOOD NEWS with them. More info on this can be found at: .
- These web evangelism strategies do not absolve us from our responsibility of sharing our faith with our neighbors, co-workers, and through our church's outreach programs. Web evangelism is an exciting additional for us to witness. I believe the local church must stay central in all evangelistic efforts. It is important for converts to immediately be connected with a solid Bible-believing church. I also believe that local churches should now add Internet Missionaries as an important part of their mission strategy for the 21st century.
Please take a look...
We need volunteers to help develop these sites and others... we will team you up with other Christians with similar interests. We soon will be listing specific ways you can help. For now we are creating a list of those who are interested in helping in some capacity. We would also appreciate your prayers that God will meet our financial needs for these efforts.
We are also creating a database of good bridgesites that are already developed... if you are aware of any please post them as comments or email me : Scott Reese , .
Nearly 1 billion people use search engines to surf the net. They search for their interests and we want to create quality sites that they will find. If you have not done so yet, please read my post on the synergy of combined passions.
Some of the sites we will be developing include: (World's most popular athlete)
and many more listed at
Some of you have expressed interest in our International Web Ministry Strategy . I would appreciate your prayers, this week we are speaking with several key people for this project.
May the Lord bless you as you serve our wonderful savior...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Blog Ministry - Blog Evangelism - Christian Blogs

There is a new resource for those interested in learning more about evangelistic Christian Blogging. The material was provided by Tony Whittaker and his Web-Evangelism guide. You may find it at . Blog evangelism, blog ministry are important strategies of getting the gospel out.
Working as a team can be a lot easier and more effective than doing one by yourself. We would like to train you and team you up with some like-minded Christians. Most blogs are geared for Christians - we want to have some geared to the general public to serve as "Bridge Sites". As examples, we will be developing "" and .
This can be fun because you will choose topics that fascinate you and that you enjoy. It is also fun to be a part of a team and to make friends with people who have the same interests and or spiritual passions. Sharing your faith does not have to be a drudgery done only out of spiritual obligation - Sharing your faith can be exciting and fun - It can bring purpose to your life as we were created to fellowship with God and to do his will. Sharing our faith is the greatest cause in the world!
Many of us were blessed of God to grow up learning about God. Do you realize only a very small percentage of the world can say that? Christ said that "unto whom much is given, much is required." How can we keep the GOOD NEWS to ourselves? If we really could understand how good God has been to us - we'd be like Isaiah - we'd have a fire burning in our soul. We'd have a hard time keeping our mouth (or typing fingers) shut - out of gratitude we should have a desire to make Christ known to the uttermost parts or the world!
Right now there is someone out there who needs the Lord. You can have the awesome privilege of being the one God uses to share the GOOD NEWS.
If you know of other resources for Christian Blogging please post them in the "comments".
Also I have just begun work on . This is a site to encourage and empower YOU to share your faith. There is a special emphasis on developing evangelistic bridge web sites.
You will also find a list of the sites we are in process of developing. We need help - VOLUNTEERS, imput, prayers, and financial donations to our 501c3 non-profit : Reconciliation Resource Ministries. (Info at Paypal link to the right...
Scott Reese
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
"Myspace" & Paul

And at least these days, one's MySpace page is not just a home in that place, it's actually who they are online." Rest of the USA TODAY ARTICLE HERE.
What would Paul's response be to this?